AMC Survey Tally

AMC 08/03/22 (Rounded) AMC 08/19/22 (Rounded) AMC 02/08/23 (Rounded) APE 02/08/23 (Rounded) Verified Participants AMC 07/20/23 (Rounded) APE 07/20/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/10/23 (Rounded) APE 08/10/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/31/23 (Rounded)
2,633,320 2,685,603 2,888,849 3,015,238 404 2,954,834 2,809,766 2,970,999 2,466,935 641,258

Attention, International AMC Retail Investors! If you've felt the sting of collective financial harm, now is the moment to rise and reclaim what's rightfully ours

This affidavit is designed for any shareholder, regardless of the number of shares they own, and is open to participants from around the world. 

If you owned any amount of shares of #AMC or #APE between August 2022 and August 2023, you are now at a crossroads. Participating in the count Campaign is a proactive choice towards transparency and accountability. On the other hand, choosing inaction or indifference aligns with economic antagonism. In this crucial matter, there is no middle ground or room for ambivalence. Your decision is a powerful statement about where you stand in the quest for corporate integrity.

We stand for truth and justice. Where do you stand?

International Community's request for a Notary Answered Willingly by Volunteers: We are fortunate to have a volunteer who has generously offered their Public Notary service to the community, and this is especially valuable for our international community members, To take advantage of this free notary service, please prepare your Affidavit and email us for detail.

Is Retail Ownership Under Threat? It's Time for a Historic Share Count!

Do retail investors truly own the float? Can we quantify our stake with a definitive Share Count? Have you or someone you know been financially impacted by AMC Project Popcorn? If so, the moment for action is now.

We're calling for a groundbreaking Share Count, spearheaded by retail investors who have suffered financial setbacks. This isn't just about numbers; it's a crusade fueled by ethics, morality, and an unwavering commitment to justice. We aim to shine a light so bright that it dispels the darkness, revealing indisputable evidence that cannot be ignored.

Our financial well-being, the legacy we leave for our families, and the fruits of years of hard work are at stake. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to ensure that justice is served, truth prevails, and logic triumphs.

Join us in this pivotal moment. Let's make history together.

English - Step 1: Start with the Checklist. Step 2: 

  1. Download the Shares Calculator for ease of calculations.

  2. Designed for 3 brokerage accounts; add more if needed.

  3. Enter whole numbers only; avoid -/+ for buys/sells.

  4. Obtain monthly statements, for the requested months, e.g., August 2022.

  5. Input values at the top section of the worksheet.

  6. Let the sheet calculate the total.

  7. Use the practice section if needed.

  8. Transfer the total to your affidavit.

Step 3: Download the Affidavit: either PDF format or Word format. To eliminate the need for translation, the affidavit must be written in English (PDF Format) or (Word Format) and uploaded in that language. However, we do offer a corresponding in International Languages PDF example for your reference. Step 4: Fill Out the Affidavit (you won't need to provide any sensitive information). Step 5: Sign and get the affidavit notarized. If you need a free notary, email us; we have a volunteer Free notary for international retails. Step 6: Photograph Both Pages. Step 7: Complete the Online Share Count Survey. Step 8: Track the Share Count Tally in Real-Time and Encourage Others to Participate.

簡體中文-Simplified Chinese - 步骤1从清单开始步骤2

  1. 下载股份计算器以方便计算。

  2. 设计用于3个经纪账户;如需,可增加更多。

  3. 仅输入整数;买入和卖出避免使用-/+符号。

  4. 获取请求的月份的月结单,例如20228月。

  5. 在工作表的顶部区域输入数值。

  6. 让工作表计算总数。

  7. 如有需要,可使用练习部分。

  8. 将总计数值转移到你的宣誓书。


繁體中文語言 Traditional Chinese - 步驟1從清單開始步驟2

  1. 下載股份計算器以便於計算。

  2. 設計用於3個經紀賬戶; 如需要,可增加更多。

  3. 僅輸入整數;買入和賣出避免使用-/+符號。

  4. 獲取請求的月份的月結單,例如20228月。

  5. 在工作表的頂部區域輸入數值。

  6. 讓工作表計算總數。

  7. 如有需要,可使用練習部分。

  8. 將總計數值轉移到你的宣誓書。


Deutsch:  German - Schritt 1: Beginnen Sie mit der Checkliste. Schritt 2: 

Laden Sie das Arbeitsblatt für Berechnungen herunter. Entwickelt für 3 Broker-Konten; bei Bedarf mehr hinzufügen. Geben Sie nur ganze Zahlen ein; vermeiden Sie -/+ für Käufe/Verkäufe. Holen Sie sich monatliche Kontoauszüge, z.B. August 2022. Tragen Sie die Werte im oberen Bereich des Arbeitsblatts ein. Lassen Sie das Blatt die Gesamtsumme berechnen. Nutzen Sie den Übungsbereich bei Bedarf. Übertragen Sie die Gesamtsumme auf Ihre eidesstattliche Versicherung.

español: Spanish - Paso 1: Comienza con la lista de verificación. Paso 2: 

Descarga la hoja de cálculo para realizar cálculos. Diseñada para 3 cuentas de corretaje; añade más si es necesario. Introduce sólo números enteros; evita -/+ para compras/ventas. Obtén los estados de cuenta mensuales, p.ej., agosto de 2022. Ingresa los valores en la parte superior de la hoja de cálculo. Deja que la hoja calcule el total. Utiliza la sección de práctica si lo necesitas. Transfiere el total a tu declaración jurada.

Descarga la declaración jurada: en formato PDF o en formato Word. Para eliminar la necesidad de traducción, la declaración jurada debe estar escrita en inglés (en formato PDF o en formato Word) y subida en ese idioma. Sin embargo, también ofrecemos un ejemplo correspondiente en PDF en español para su referencia.Paso 3: Rellena la declaración jurada (no necesitarás proporcionar ninguna información sensible). Paso 4: Firma y notariza la declaración jurada. Paso 5: Fotografía ambas páginas. Paso 6: Completa la encuesta en línea sobre el recuento de compartidos. Paso 7: Haz seguimiento del recuento de compartidos en tiempo real y anima a otros a participar.

Française - French Étape 1 : Commencez par la Liste de vérification. Étape 2 : 

Téléchargez la feuille de calcul pour les calculs. Conçue pour 3 comptes de courtage ; ajoutez-en plus si nécessaire. Entrez uniquement des nombres entiers ; évitez les -/+ pour les achats/ventes. Obtenez les relevés mensuels, par exemple, août 2022. Saisissez les valeurs dans la partie supérieure de la feuille de calcul. Laissez la feuille calculer le total. Utilisez la section d'entraînement si nécessaire. Transférez le total à votre déclaration sous serment.

Téléchargez l'Affidavit, au format PDF ou Word.  Pour éviter le besoin de traduction, l'affidavit doit être rédigé en anglais et téléchargé dans cette langue. Cependant, nous proposons également un exemple au format PDF en français correspondant à titre de référence. Étape 3 : Remplissez l'Affidavit (vous n'aurez pas besoin de fournir d'informations sensibles). Étape 4 : Signez et faites notarier l'Affidavit. Étape 5 : Prenez en photo les deux pages. Étape 6 : Remplissez l'Enquête en ligne sur le Comptage des Actions. Étape 7 : Suivez le Décompte des Actions en temps réel et encouragez les autres à participer. 

भारतीय भाषा  Hindi - कदम 1: चेकलिस्ट के साथ शुरू करें। कदम 2: 

कैल्कुलेशन के लिए वर्कशीट डाउनलोड करें। 3 ब्रोकरेज अकाउंट्स के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है; अगर जरूरत हो तो और जोड़ें। केवल पूर्णांक डालें; खरीददारी/बिक्री के लिए -/+ चिह्न से बचें। मासिक विवरण प्राप्त करें, जैसे कि अगस्त 2022। वर्कशीट के शीर्ष में मौलिक मान डालें। शीट को कुल जोड़ने दें। जरूरत हो तो अभ्यास क्षेत्र का उपयोग करें। कुल राशि को आपके हलफ़नामे में स्थानांतरित करें।

अफिडेविट डाउनलोड करें: या तो PDF फॉर्मेट में या वर्ड फॉर्मेट में। अनुवाद की आवश्यकता को खत्म करने के लिए, अफिडेविट को अंग्रेजी में लिखा जाना चाहिए (PDF फॉर्मेट) या (वर्ड फॉर्मेट) और उस भाषा में अपलोड किया जाना चाहिए। हालांकि, हम आपके संदर्भ के लिए हिंदी में एक संबंधित PDF उदाहरण प्रदान करते हैं। कदम 3: अफिडेविट भरें (आपको कोई भी संवेदनशील जानकारी प्रदान नहीं करनी होगी)कदम 4: अफिडेविट पर हस्ताक्षर करें और नोटराइज करें। कदम 5: दोनों पन्नों की फ़ोटो खींचें। कदम 6: ऑनलाइन शेयर गणना सर्वेक्षण पूरा करें। कदम 7: शेयर गणना टैली को वास्तविक समय में ट्रैक करें और दूसरों को भाग लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें। 

日本語 Japanese - ステップ1チェックリストから始めましょうステップ2

計算用のワークシートをダウンロードしてください3つのブローカー口座用に設計されています; 必要に応じて追加してください。 整数のみを入力してください; 購入/販売の際、-/+ の記号は避けてください。 例えば、20228月の月次取引明細書を取得してください。 ワークシートの上部に値を入力してください。 シートに合計を計算させます。 必要に応じて練習セクションを使用してください。 合計をあなたの宣誓供述書に転記してください。


한국어Korean - 단계 1: 체크리스트로 시작하세요. 단계 2: 

계산을 위한 워크시트를 다운로드하세요. 3개의 브로커 계좌용으로 설계되었습니다; 필요하면 더 추가하세요. 정수만 입력하세요; 구매/판매시 -/+ 기호는 사용하지 마세요. 예를 들면, 20228월의 월간 명세서를 받으세요. 워크시트 상단에 값을 입력하세요. 시트가 총합을 계산하도록 하세요. 필요하다면 연습 섹션을 사용하세요. 총액을 당신의 선서서에 전송하세요.

선서서 다운로드: PDF 형식 또는 Word 형식 중 선택하세요. 번역의 필요성을 제거하기 위해, 선서서는 영어로 작성되어야 하며 (PDF 형식 또는 Word 형식으로) 해당 언어로 업로드되어야 합니다. 그러나 참고를 위해 대응되는 한국어 PDF 예시도 제공하고 있습니다단계 3: 선서서 작성하기 (민감한 정보를 제공할 필요가 없습니다). 단계 4: 선서서에 서명하고 공증하세요.
단계 5: 두 페이지 모두 사진 찍기. 단계 6: 온라인 공유 횟수 설문조사 완료하기. 단계 7: 실시간으로 공유 횟수를 추적하고 다른 사람들이 참여하도록 격려하십시오.

Nederlandse - Dutch Stap 1: Begin met de Checklist. Stap 2

Download het werkblad voor berekeningen. Ontworpen voor 3 makelaarsrekeningen; voeg meer toe indien nodig. Voer alleen hele getallen in; vermijd -/+ voor kopen/verkopen. Verkrijg maandelijkse overzichten, bijv. augustus 2022. Voer waarden in aan de bovenkant van het werkblad. Laat het blad het totaal berekenen. Gebruik het oefengedeelte indien nodig. Draag het totaal over naar je beëdigde verklaring.

Download de Verklaring: in PDF- of Word-formaat. Om de noodzaak van vertaling te elimineren, moet de verklaring in het Engels zijn geschreven en in die taal worden geüpload. We bieden echter een bijbehorend voorbeeld in het Pools in PDF-formaat ter referentie. Stap 3: Vul de Verklaring in (u hoeft geen gevoelige informatie te verstrekken). Stap 4: Onderteken en laat de Verklaring notariëren. Stap 5: Fotografeer beide pagina's. Stap 6: Vul de Online Aandeeltelling Enquête in. Stap 7: Volg de Aandeeltelling Telling in realtime en moedig anderen aan deel te nemen.

polski - Polish Krok 1: Rozpocznij od Checklisty. Krok 2

Pobierz arkusz kalkulacyjny do obliczeń. Zaprojektowany dla 3 kont maklerskich; dodaj więcej w razie potrzeby. Wprowadź tylko liczby całkowite; unikaj znaków -/+ dla zakupów/sprzedaży. Uzyskaj miesięczne wyciągi, np. sierpień 2022. Wprowadź wartości w górnej części arkusza. Pozwól arkuszowi obliczyć sumę. Korzystaj z sekcji ćwiczeniowej w razie potrzeby. Przenieś całkowitą sumę do twojego oświadczenia pod przysięgą.

Pobierz Oświadczenie: w formacie PDF lub Word. Aby wyeliminować potrzebę tłumaczenia, oświadczenie musi być napisane w języku angielskim i przesłane w tym języku. Jednak oferujemy przykład w formacie PDF w języku polskim do Twojej referencji. Krok 3: Wypełnij Oświadczenie (nie będziesz musiał podawać żadnych wrażliwych informacji). Krok 4: Podpisz i uwierzytelnij Oświadczenie. Krok 5: Zdjęcie obu stron. Krok 6: Wypełnij Sondaż Dotyczący Liczenia Udziałów. Krok 7: Śledź liczbę udziałów w czasie rzeczywistym i zachęcaj innych do udziału.

Português Portuguese Passo 1: Comece com a Lista de Verificação. Passo 2: 

Baixe a planilha para cálculos. Projetada para 3 contas de corretagem; adicione mais se necessário. Insira apenas números inteiros; evite -/+ para compras/vendas. Obtenha extratos mensais, por exemplo, agosto de 2022. Insira valores na parte superior da planilha. Deixe a planilha calcular o total. Use a seção de prática, se necessário. Transfira o total para sua declaração juramentada.

Faça o download da Declaração: em formato PDF ou Word. Para eliminar a necessidade de tradução, o documento deve ser escrito em inglês e carregado nesse idioma. No entanto, oferecemos um exemplo em PDF correspondente em português para sua referência. Passo 3: Preencha a Declaração (você não precisará fornecer informações sensíveis). Passo 4: Assine e Reconheça a Declaração em Cartório. Passo 5: Fotografe Ambas as Páginas. Passo 6: Complete a Pesquisa Online de Contagem de Ações. Passo 7: Faça o acompanhamento da contagem de ações em tempo real e incentive outros a participar.

Other languages coming soon

If you held AMC shares between August 2022 and August 2023, now is the time to unite and take action. We're on a mission to compile irrefutable evidence that we've been systematically deceived and defrauded. Our collective goal is not just to expose the truth but to reverse the damage and reclaim what's rightfully ours.

We're not just a group of individual investors; we're a global community of nearly 4 million strong. We suspect that entities with conflicting economic interests and insider trading advantages have conspired against us in a scheme they've dubbed "AMC Project Popcorn." Their motives? Envy, class warfare, and a blatant disregard for fairness and justice.

Don't let them win. Spread the word far and wide. Participate in our collective count, spearheaded by retail investors who've experienced the same financial harm, to conclusively demonstrate that at one point, it was retail investors like us who truly owned the float. The time is now to show, with evidence, that we've been intentionally harmed and robbed.

Are we going to let them defeat us and walk away empty-handed? Or will we shine a light so bright that it banishes the darkness? The choice is yours. Act now.

Don't Just Watch—Join Us and Amplify Your Voice in the Legal Arena!

When it comes to fighting for your rights as a Retail Investor, standing on the sidelines is not an option. The time to act is now, and here's why you should join us rather than being a mere observer.

Why We Prioritize Investors Who Submit Notarized Affidavits:

  1. Concrete Evidence: By submitting a Notarized Affidavit, you provide indisputable evidence of your share ownership and the harm you've suffered. This strengthens our case immensely.

  2. Streamlined Communication: Forget the complexities of notifying an entire class. We focus on a dedicated group—those who have voluntarily joined our mission. You'll be kept in the loop about every significant development, including the potential formation of a joint company.

  3. Unified Legal Front: Imagine the power of a verified group, fortified by readily available Affidavit evidence. We could even form a legal club, making our collective bargaining power undeniable.

  4. Maximized Settlements: If restoration to the pre-RSC state proves unattainable, our focused approach allows us to negotiate better settlement terms. For instance, if our affidavits show ownership of 500 million shares, any settlement amount will be divided among fewer shares, maximizing your per-share recovery.

  5. In contrast, a class-based settlement, which relies on an assumed float without knowing the actual total number of shares—potentially much greater—could significantly dilute your share, reducing it to a mere fraction of its potential value (We saw that with APE and Dilutions).

  6. For instance, let's consider a hypothetical settlement of $5 billion. If we proceed with a limited scope, accounting for the 500 million collected Affidavits, each share could potentially translate to a substantial $100. However, if we are coerced into a broader class settlement, where the actual total shares might be as high as 10 billion, the per-share settlement could plummet to approximately $4 or even less. This scenario would not only be a severe injustice but also a clear case of manipulation and deceit, robbing us of what rightfully belongs to us.

  7. Paving the Way for Others: A successful case on our part serves as a legal precedent. Shareholders who didn't join us initially can still seek their own recovery, using our case as a solid foundation.

  8. By joining us, you're not just a number—you're a valued member of a powerful, unified front.

We are firmly convinced that possessing Affidavit evidence not only strengthens our case but also significantly enhances our chances of successfully combating the injustice we've endured—and we have the proof to back it up. 

Why join the fight against deceptive and manipulative practices that rob people of their earned labor and savings:

The fight against the dark forces of stock manipulations, insider trading, and deceptive practices like "Project Popcorn" is a fight for justice, fairness, and equality. Millions of hardworking individuals who have earned their savings through discipline and diligence find themselves robbed of their life’s work due to such malicious practices. It is disheartening to witness the lack of intervention from authorities or the judiciary, leading to a loss of faith in the principles of fairness, equality, and justice that the USA purports to uphold.
Logical Reasons:

A logical rationale: 

Verifying the share count is crucial, particularly when retail investors own the entire float, as it serves as direct evidence. It reveals that Project Popcorn is a scam, utilizing fabricated data to misappropriate what rightfully belongs to retail investors. This provides us with substantial evidence in our endeavor to reclaim what has been illicitly taken from us. A scam cannot be legitimized to rationalize the theft of tangible assets.

   Restoration of Trust:
       Fighting against such practices is essential to restore trust in financial systems and institutions, ensuring that investments are secure and that the market operates on fair and transparent principles.

   Economic Justice:
       It is logical to demand justice for those who have been unfairly deprived of their savings, ensuring that the economic environment is equitable and that hardworking individuals can invest with confidence.

Spiritual Reasons:

   Moral Integrity:
       From a spiritual standpoint, standing against such deceptive and malicious practices is a matter of upholding moral integrity and ensuring that the values of honesty, fairness, and justice prevail.

   Universal Good:
       Spiritual principles often emphasize the universal good and the well-being of all. Fighting against such exploitative practices aligns with the pursuit of a harmonious and balanced world where goodwill and justice flourish.

Emotional Reasons:

   Empathy for the Affected:
       The emotional turmoil experienced by those who have lost their savings evokes a deep sense of empathy and a desire to rectify the wrongs done to them.

   Desire for Reconciliation:
       The disappointment and heartache experienced by those who believed in the principles of fairness and justice fuel a desire for reconciliation and the restoration of faith in the system.

Compelling Reasons:

   Urgent Redressal:
       The massive scale of the alleged robbery and the profound impact on millions make it compelling and urgent to seek redressal and expose the truth behind such schemes.

   Individual Responsibility:
       Given the apparent lack of intervention from authorities, it becomes the responsibility of individuals and retail investors of goodwill to conduct direct evidence of share count and expose such deceptive practices.

   Exposing Narcissism and Vanity:
       It is crucial to uncover the motivations behind such schemes, driven by narcissistic and vain glory seekers, to prevent the promotion of such harmful values and protect the vulnerable from exploitation.


Everyone of goodwill should consider joining the fight against such deceptive and malicious practices. It is not just about recovering lost savings but also about restoring faith in the principles of fairness, equality, and justice. By standing together against such exploitative schemes, individuals can contribute to a more equitable and harmonious world, ensuring that the values of honesty, integrity, and goodwill prevail over deception, envy, and robbery.

If you come across any errors in the translation or wish to contribute to our translation efforts, add an article, or offer any suggestions, please don't hesitate to inform us. Your assistance is crucial in disseminating this critical and time-sensitive news to support our pursuit of justice.