AMC Survey Tally

AMC 08/03/22 (Rounded) AMC 08/19/22 (Rounded) AMC 02/08/23 (Rounded) APE 02/08/23 (Rounded) Verified Participants AMC 07/20/23 (Rounded) APE 07/20/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/10/23 (Rounded) APE 08/10/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/31/23 (Rounded)
3,113,980 3,168,800 3,302,096 3,760,382 473 3,475,962 3,204,521 3,492,481 2,837,324 797,629

Addressing Concerns, Dissent, and Various Points of View:

The board reports 3.8 million retail investors. On average, each holds 94 shares. There's no middle ground here. You either support the retail investor count at, or by doing nothing, you inadvertently align with those who have agendas driven by greed, envy, and deception. It's time to make your choice!

"I'm too occupied," "I doubt we can obtain the entire float," or "I'll join when we're closer to our target": It's natural to exercise caution, especially when faced with unfamiliar initiatives. Both proponents and opponents have consistently called for a share count. Even court objectors demanded it. The "Project Popcorn" initiative responded to the retail sector's genuine desire, asserting that a new CUSIP with RSC and APE would facilitate a share count. It was a trick to achieve their goal. took the lead, transforming the share count from a mere concept into a tangible reality, empowering retailers to chart their own course. Hence, the share count isn't an avant-garde idea; those who yearned for it shouldn't hesitate. Turning a logical aspiration into reality should rally support from all sides.

The notion of "I'll join once we reach 10,000 or 50,000 members": Imagine if every retail investor, who faced challenges, adopted this wait-and-see approach. Those initially expected to pioneer the movement would lag behind, waiting for others to make the first move. This cycle of hesitation would perpetuate, with each group waiting for the preceding one. Consequently, everyone, by delaying their logical decisions, inadvertently denies justice to themselves and the larger community. 

Consider an election analogy: A candidate promises betterment for the community. While many resonate with the candidate's vision, they doubt the feasibility of outnumbering the opposition and delay their support. This collective hesitation deprives the community, the candidate, and themselves of potential progress. 

Human nature might rationalize such procrastination as caution. Yet, this inaction indirectly benefits the opposition, potentially detrimenting the community. Regrettably, many overlook this perspective, unaware of its broader implications, even on a spiritual level.

The Perils of Neglecting Good Deeds: Profound Impacts on Ourselves, Our Neighbors, and Our Spiritual Well-being: This incident underscores the criticality of our Share Count effort. With the unwavering support of our Affidavit confirmed members, we embody the spirit of the Good Samaritan, seizing the opportunity to stand for justice collectively, rather than postponing action in the hope that someone else will assist the victim. Passive mentality, such as waiting for a judge or a more amenable Board to order a share count, inadvertently strengthens the hand of Project Popcorn and its proponents, potentially victimizing the larger group and ourselves.

Exploring Alternative Approaches: While some argue that other methods might be more effective, the share count remains a pivotal tool to demonstrate tangible harm against our investments. It illustrates how APE and RSC were manipulated as deceptive instruments, stripping genuine float owners of their rightful stake. This was achieved by artificially generating tenfold additional floats and retaining the capacity to create more at will. While pursuing alternate strategies is valid, the share count complements and reinforces them rather than hindering. 

Moreover, considering the extensive volunteer hours, expertise, and resources invested in this initiative, the time required to complete and submit the Affidavit is minimal, perhaps an hour at most. This effort is modest in comparison to the dedication of the team that brought this initiative to fruition. Dismissing this effort is not only illogical but inadvertently opposes the collective goal.

In addition, since share count is a huge undertake that requires all our help to determine our own destiny, delaying to join can also deprive the group from the help we need to get the goal as quick as possible. Such a delayed choice by its nature may harm or delay justice for the many.

Personal Preferences Regarding AMCProjectPopcorn Team Members: It's understandable that not everyone might resonate with every member or helper associated with AMCProjectPopcorn. However, it's crucial to remember that our focus isn't on accumulating "likes" or "thumbs up", but rather on counting "shares". Given our diverse backgrounds and personalities, we encourage more individuals to volunteer, share, and help reach out to others who have experienced similar challenges. 

Thus far the sample we collected is too small: From the outset, our aim isn't to represent a mere sample, but to account for an entire float. Thus, whether this float comprises primarily of high-share Retails, low-share Retails, or investors from a specific international region, achieving it is a win. The criterion encompasses any Retail globally who held AMC shares between August 2022 and August 2023, irrespective of their sale timing relative to RSC.

Presenting an average thus far isn't an indication of bias but a measure of our progress. Take, for instance, a journey of 800 miles. If after three days you've covered 80 miles, you'd deduce an average of roughly 26 miles per day. But unforeseen challenges might alter this average. Arguing that this early average might need adjustment and therefore, one should abandon the entire journey is illogical. The focus isn't on maintaining a consistent daily average but completing the entire distance, be it at 10 miles or 26 miles a day.

In this journey, perseverance and the camaraderie of fellow travelers are paramount, mirroring the ethos of AMCProjectPopcorn's share count initiative. While some arguments may cloak themselves in scientific rationale, their underlying intent might be to dissuade and detract from our primary objective: the Share Count.

Allegations of Profiting from the Notary Service: We advise using local bank notary services, which are often complimentary. If notary fees are prohibitive in your region, online notary services are an alternative. While we provide a notary link for $25, we welcome suggestions for more affordable or convenient options, especially for international users. We gain no profits from any services linked to AMCProjectPopcorn; our mission is justice. 

We are fortunate to have a volunteer who has generously offered their Public Notary services to the community, and this is especially valuable for our international community members. To take advantage of this free notary service, please prepare your Affidavit and email us for detail.

A Claim that Short Sellers are against RSC and what the Board Desire and that RSC and APE are good for the Company and Great for sincere Retails: If the Retails owned the entire float it proves that Project Popcorn masterminding APE and RSC are an aggressive economical antagonist against the Retails. Additionally, if one owned shares before APE became public, the Share Price was about $40 or $400+ before the RSC. After RSC the share price tumbled to as low as $6.90 after RSC or $0.69. Those who short sold or oversold the shares to retails at premium costs benefited as high as 98% while Retails lost as high as 98%. It is obvious to understand that certain principals were grossly violated by Project Popcorn planners, marketers and bedsitters. 

The AMC Share Count is now a reality, and the choice is yours.

Arguing That RSC Did Not Influence the Decline in AMC Prices, as 1 Share for $10 Is Equivalent to 10 Shares for $1: Let’s play Project Popcorn 10 for 1 magic. You have 10 real dollar bills. Project Popcorn magician gets 100 Fake Bills and cut out 90% to reduce them to 9 fakes and 1 real. Then shuffle them and ask you to draw your One. To get the one real dollar you need to buy from the magician all his 9 fake Bills. Before APE RSC your share reach as high as $72. After RSC you need the magician to gift you 9 out of the lowest $6.99 to get you back to as high as $72 before his trick.

Please, note that we do not benefit from a Notary or any other services related to AMCProjectPopcorn. Our work in a stand for justice.

Content creators, YouTubers, and influencers have the power to reach vast audiences. We wholeheartedly invite you to use your platforms to champion the cause you've long advocated for - a Share Count. Today, that vision is a reality, and your voice can amplify it further. At a spiritual level, the Lord of Light, Truth, and Justice decreed that 10% of the harvest should be dedicated to the less fortunate. This principle is embraced by many individuals of goodwill, irrespective of their spiritual beliefs, as it resonates with basic humanitarian values. Conversely, the lords of Darkness, Deception, and Envy aimed to extract 90% from the masses and distribute it among the affluent, manipulators, and conspirators. This stark contrast alone should prompt AMC Retail investors to choose a stance: either participate in the AMC Share Count or maintain an indifferent, lukewarm approach. 

How You Can Help:

  1. Volunteer: We are grateful for those helping to their commitment to justice and volunteerism. If you can spare a few moments daily or during the weekend and would like to assist, please email us.

  2. Complete the Affidavit: If you haven’t done so yet, please consider completing the affidavit, even if you have already accepted your losses. Do it for others who invested to make this project a reality, for those completed it, and for all who assist in the hope that we all win.

  3. Reach Out: If you have relatives who owned AMC during August 2022-August 2023, please make them aware of this effort and assist them in completing the affidavit as soon as possible.

  4. Use Your Platform: If you have a social media platform, now is a great time to update your audience on the importance of Share Count as direct evidence of harm.

  5. Verification: If you held at least 1000 shares of AMC during any of the relevant dates, consider emailing us your social media page link to be added to the verified page.

  6. Spread Awareness: If you have social media followers or subscribers, consider raising awareness about the share count.

  7. You can send a message to your subscribers/followers on social media to alert them of the AMCProjectPopcorn share count.

Anyone can spare a little time to help please, email us