AMC Survey Tally

AMC 08/03/22 (Rounded) AMC 08/19/22 (Rounded) AMC 02/08/23 (Rounded) APE 02/08/23 (Rounded) Verified Participants AMC 07/20/23 (Rounded) APE 07/20/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/10/23 (Rounded) APE 08/10/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/31/23 (Rounded)
3,113,980 3,168,800 3,302,096 3,760,382 473 3,475,962 3,204,521 3,492,481 2,837,324 797,629

Be an Active Voice For Truth and Justice:

  1. If you are a current or previous AMC shareholder in 2022 or 2023, you can participate in the AMC Share Count here
  2. Please support the election of a retail board member in the upcoming election. 

    Jason Iannantuoni: 

    Other Retail Qualified Names. Please, email us to add them.

  3. You can support this petition: AMC Retail Petition Against AMC Antagonism Settlement
  4. You can write a complaint about this to the solicitor general of your State. The petition gives you the necessary grounds.

    Here you can find contact information of state attorney general’s of your state. You can show them that the AMC community is outraged.

  5. You can also call the bureau of the solicitor general every day to show your demands on investigations.
  6. You can write a letter of demand to your Congress Rep. and call them every day.

    Download the Congress draft letter and customize it adding your own story and pain you have suffered in the AMC Injustice. Write to Your Congress "WORDS" Template

    Alternative Letter to Congress

  7. You can file a complaint with the SEC
  8. You can file a Complaint with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
  9. Please reach out to us with your suggestions or information on how you can help our AMC community of 3.8 million retail investors seek justice through legal avenues for any laws that may have been violated the AMC retail investors.
  10.  If you're able to write or edit articles discussing the AMC Retail investors injustice that has impacted families across multiple countries, We'd appreciate it if you could contact us via email.
  11. Upon issuance of the final Order by the Delaware Chancery Court, the law firm representing M. Rose Izzo is expected to file an appeal with the Supreme Court.
  12. We are also exploring additional avenues for redress, such as small groups to file individual lawsuits to recover financial damages. If you have any suggestions in this regard, please feel free to share them with us.
  13. If you live in one of the States that honor Citizen Grand Jury Petition, please contact us at the Contact Form.