AMC Survey Tally

AMC 08/03/22 (Rounded) AMC 08/19/22 (Rounded) AMC 02/08/23 (Rounded) APE 02/08/23 (Rounded) Verified Participants AMC 07/20/23 (Rounded) APE 07/20/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/10/23 (Rounded) APE 08/10/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/31/23 (Rounded)
2,698,749 2,751,889 2,948,462 3,093,434 423 3,023,662 2,897,920 3,034,526 2,554,158 683,401
Q1 Vote Q1 Shares (Rounded) Q2 Vote Q2 Shares (Rounded) AMC 08/03/22 (Rounded) AMC 08/19/22 (Rounded) AMC 02/08/23 (Rounded) APE 02/08/23 (Rounded) AMC 07/20/23 (Rounded) APE 07/20/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/10/23 (Rounded) APE 08/10/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/31/23 (Rounded)
समर्थन में 968,209 FOR 975,288 425,699 439,548 444,942 541,524 471,284 529,783 453,836 519,424 116,715
समर्थन में 81,804 AGAINST 80,804 33,270 33,493 30,013 56,694 32,876 40,773 34,505 39,773 8,073
वोट नहीं किया (सामग्री प्राप्त नहीं होने या अपने इच्छा के कारण) 441,336 Did Not Vote (due to not receiving materials or by choice) 437,304 411,624 417,897 389,039 439,256 406,868 381,344 425,168 361,198 94,227
वोट नहीं किया (सामग्री प्राप्त नहीं होने या अपने इच्छा के कारण) 2,192 ABSTAIN 2,192 2,192 2,192 215 215 2,192 2,196 2,192 2,196 215
वोट नहीं किया (सामग्री प्राप्त नहीं होने या अपने इच्छा के कारण) 0 0 606 606 1,285 585 1,285 1 1,707 0 171
विरोध में 57,000 FOR 57,000 25,500 25,500 26,500 30,500 26,500 30,500 26,500 30,500 6,053
विरोध में 5,850 Did Not Vote (due to not receiving materials or by choice) 5,850 2,925 2,925 2,925 2,925 2,925 2,925 2,925 2,925 622
विरोध में 3,736,198 AGAINST 3,780,174 1,759,434 1,790,349 2,011,232 1,977,201 2,033,174 1,874,028 2,062,084 1,591,002 447,570
विरोध में 4,306 ABSTAIN 4,306 1,351 1,351 1,351 2,955 1,351 2,955 1,351 2,955 451
विरोध में 6,175 6,175 3,400 3,400 4,992 1,183 9,041 1,183 9,041 1,183 1,542
अल्पमत में रहना 1,090 AGAINST 1,090 350 355 500 1,030 500 1,100 500 1,100 167
अल्पमत में रहना 2,847 ABSTAIN 2,847 29,861 30,675 30,646 30,623 30,706 30,773 8,038 1,902 6,457
0 AGAINST 1,945 1,335 2,395 2,230 6,634 1,945 0 1,945 0 219