AMC Survey Tally

AMC 08/03/22 (Rounded) AMC 08/19/22 (Rounded) AMC 02/08/23 (Rounded) APE 02/08/23 (Rounded) Verified Participants AMC 07/20/23 (Rounded) APE 07/20/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/10/23 (Rounded) APE 08/10/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/31/23 (Rounded)
2,820,547 2,876,293 3,093,387 3,228,280 436 3,187,636 3,033,244 3,207,326 2,681,272 722,308

This pages provides the current tally of shareholders and shares logged for the AMC Share Count.  

The values displayed on the table regarding the shares logged by AMC shareholders will be updated manually at the end of the day for time being. This may be automatically calculated in a future update. The count display may be subject to adjustments as the website admins confirm that survey takers attached their notarized affidavits correctly.  

This page also provides the tally of how many survey takers reported receiving their proxy voting materials and how they voted for the March 14, 2023 AMC Shareholder vote. Supporting information including authorized number of AMC shares at various times is provided in order to evaluate the potential that synthetic shares exist. 

Calculated Values are updated daily on the AMC Survey Tally. 

Table 1: Total Number of Shareholders Logged

DateTotal Number of Shareholders Logged
Total Shareholders (for all dates)See AMC Survey Tally Banner
August 3, 2022(will be calculated)
August 19, 2022(will be calculated)
February 8, 2023(will be calculated)
July 20, 2023(will be calculated)
August 10, 2023(will be calculated)
August 31, 2023(will be calculated)


Table 2: Number of AMC Shares Logged

DateAuthorized AMC SharesNumber of AMC Shares Logged by Individual InvestorsNumber of AMC Shares Held by InstitutionsNumber of AMC Shares Held by Insiders
August 3, 2022516,820,595See AMC Survey Tally150,666,55610,265,811
August 19, 2022516,820,595See AMC Survey Tally150,666,55610,253,811
February 8, 2023517,580,416See AMC Survey Tally134,023,94810,424,524
July 20, 2023524,173,073See AMC Survey Tally154,011,83611,744,083
August 10, 2023524,173,073See AMC Survey Tally154,011,83611,744,083
August 31, 2023550,000,000See AMC Survey Tally14,672,347TBD


Table 3: Number of APE Shares Logged

DateAuthorized APE SharesNumber of APE Shares Logged by Individual InvestorsNumber of APE Shares Held by InstitutionsNumber of APE Shares Held by Insiders
February 8, 2023929,849,612See AMC Survey Tally278,757,763TBD
July 20, 20231,000,000,000See AMC Survey Tally172,900,290TBD
August 10, 20231,000,000,000See AMC Survey Tally172,900,290TBD

Footnotes for Table 2 and 3
-Footnote 1: The Number of AMC and APE Shares Logged by Individual Investors will updated be manually at the end of the day for time being. This may be automatically calculated in a future update. 
-Footnote 2: Between August 24-28, 2023, AMC stock underwent a 10 for 1 Reverse Split, Conversion of APE into AMC, Settlement Payout, and a share increase. As a result, APE shares no longer exist. As of August 31, 2023, the issued and outstanding AMC shares total 158,382,446 shares of Class A AMC common stock, however the new authorized amount is 550,000,000. 
-Footnote 3: The Number of AMC or APE Shares Held By Institutions Number is estimated based on Fintel (which references SEC data) data by previous reporting quarter. This may be subject to revision
-Footnote 4: The Number of APE Shares Held by Insiders is calculated by reviewing SEC/Fintel Data


Table 4: Number of Eligible Votes for the March 14, 2023 Vote

AMC or APE votesNumber of Votes/Shares
Total eligible AMC votes for the March 14, 2023 Vote517,580,416
Total eligible APE votes for the March 14, 2023 Vote929,849,612
Total eligible AMC and APE votes for the March 14, 2023 Vote1,447,430,028



Table 5: Log if Shareholders Received the Correct Number of Proxy Votes
The following table applies to if shareholders received the correct number of proxy votes for the March 14, 2023 AMC Vote. 

 Shares that choose "Yes, I received the correct number of proxy votes."Shares that choose "No, I only received part but not all of my proxy voting materials"Shares that choose "I did not receive any of my proxy voting materials"Shares that Choose "I choose not to vote or do not remember"
Total Shares/Votes(will be calculated)(will be calculated)(will be calculated)(will be calculated)


Table 6: Log of Shareholder Votes on March 14, 2023 Proposals 

March 14, 2023 AMC Vote ProposalsShares Voted FORShares Voted AGAINSTShares Voted ABSTAINShares That Did Not Vote (due to not receiving materials or by choice)
Proposal 1 (the “Share Increase Proposal”)(will be calculated)(will be calculated)(will be calculated)(will be calculated)
Proposal 2 (the “Reverse Split and Conversion Proposal”)(will be calculated)(will be calculated)(will be calculated)(will be calculated)

Footnotes for Tables 5 and 6
-Footnote 1: The Voting Data Logged by Individual Investors will updated be manually at the end of the week for time being. This may be automatically calculated in a future update.



References for the Tables page including the sources for the Authorized AMC Shares, Number of Shares Held by Institutions, and Number of Shares Held by Insiders for various dates is provided on the AMC Share Count References Page