AMC Survey Tally

AMC 08/03/22 (Rounded) AMC 08/19/22 (Rounded) AMC 02/08/23 (Rounded) APE 02/08/23 (Rounded) Verified Participants AMC 07/20/23 (Rounded) APE 07/20/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/10/23 (Rounded) APE 08/10/23 (Rounded) AMC 08/31/23 (Rounded)
3,114,980 3,169,800 3,303,096 3,761,392 474 3,476,962 3,205,531 3,493,481 2,838,334 797,843

Retail Investors Demand Transparency: Count Your Shares, Make Your Voice Heard

Retail investors are raising their voices in a unified call for transparency and ethical conduct, declaring, "Enough is enough." Tired of being marginalized and misled, they are demanding an end to deceptive practices that have long plagued the industry. Phrases like "Stop Cheating Us," "Don't Rob Us of Our Hard-Earned Gains," and "No More Hidden Agendas" resonate as rallying cries for change.

The Issue: Unethical Share Counting

At the heart of the discontent is the issue of share counting, a practice that has been called into question for its lack of ethical and fiduciary responsibility. Retail investors are challenging the status quo, questioning why share counts often seem skewed in favor of institutional pockets rather than providing a fair and accurate representation of retail ownership.

The Power of Collective Due Diligence

In response, a growing number of diligent, fact-driven retail investors are taking matters into their own hands. Recognizing that numbers don't lie and that logic and math are the cornerstones of factual evidence, these individuals are conducting their own share counts. By doing so, they are not only asserting their right to transparent information but also empowering their community of an estimated 3.8 million retail investors.

The Call to Action: Submit Your Share Count Affidavit

If you haven't yet participated in this grassroots movement for transparency, now is the time. Join your fellow retail investors by submitting your own AMC share count affidavit. Your contribution is more than just a number; it's a statement that you stand for ethical investment practices and transparent financial systems.

The Impact

This collective action has the potential to bring about significant change in the investment landscape. By standing together, retail investors can shift the balance of power and influence reforms that ensure a more transparent, ethical, and equitable financial market for all.

Don't just be a spectator in the financial world; be an active participant. Count your shares, submit your affidavit, and make your voice heard. Together, we can bring about the change we wish to see.